university vocabulary
  • Advisor: A person who assists students in planning their educational programs.
  • Freshman: A first-year student at school, college or university.
  • Sophomore: A student who is in the second year of university study.
  • Fraternity: A social organization for male university students.
  • Sorority: A social organization for female university students.
  • Enroll: To officially join in a course.
  • Tuition fees: The money that a student pays to get an education at a university.
  • Financial aid: The money that is given or lent to help a student at a university to pay for education.
  • Scholarship: An amount of money that a student gets from an individual or organization to pay for education.
  • Student loan: An amount of money that a student borrows from the government or a bank to fund their education at university and which must be paid after completing university.
  • Grant: An amount of money given by the government to allow a student to follow a course.
  • Major: The main subject that a student studies at college or university.
  • Bachelor’s degree: The first degree for people studying at the university.
  • Master’s degree: A university degree that you get after studying for one or two years after your first degree.
  • PhD: An abbreviation for Doctor of philosophy, the highest university degree which is obtained by doing advanced research.

By teacher: Alma.

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